Really Setting and Accomplishing Goals for the Next Year and Decade with a One Page Strategy

Here come the great promises, proclamations and resolutions to kick off a New Year.  Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE goals and completing them.  However, I often find that after 45 days (right around Valentine’s Day), most people have tossed their resolutions overboard and have continued in their former ways much to their dismay.  We’re good at being focused to read more, go to the gym, not eat as many carbs until right around the 4-6 week mark and then it can all come crashing down.

Is this you?  You’re not alone.  In fact, it’s very common and there is some science to it. 

Perhaps I can offer a solution if you really want to tackle those resolutions and goals:

For years, probably a decade now, we’ve worked with organizations to build their One Page Strategy for organizational growth and sustainability. It’s like a mini strategic plan.

It was only a couple of years ago where I began to apply it to my personal life.

The One Page Strategy (OPS) has helped me put all my strategic and yearly plans and goals all on one sheet.  The idea is that by putting it on one sheet you can look at it throughout the year to make progress on those goals. 

Not only are all your goals and projects on one sheet, it also holds you accountable as you look at it from time to time throughout the year to measure your effectiveness in achieving your goals.

The OPS starts with your mission (who, what, why and for whom are you all about).  My mission tends to be “to show up, on time, ready to go,” and “to serve others and myself in pursuits of excellence.” This section also includes the vision: imagine yourself in a hot air balloon looking down at your next year or years.  What do you hope to see by the end?  That’s your vision.  An example is “ In 20__ I want to have a better balance with restorative growth, striving to be patient with myself and others, while also being content or happy.”  Or, “In 20__ I want a year of refilling, to find joy daily, to be kind (to myself and others), to find stability, to remain buoyant and change adept.”

After the mission and the vision, there are 5-6 strategies you need to plan to implement to help you achieve your mission and vision.  Personally, I like to have big buckets of life which include “Faith/Mindfulness,” “Health,” “Career/Work,” “Fun & Social,” “Relationships,” and “Finances.”  You can choose your own however you orient your life.

Underneath the strategies are your SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-oriented, Time-bound) goals. “Lose x amount of weight by y,” “Get x license and complete y projects by z” are all good examples of goals you could set. Make them action-oriented.

Finally, put the key initiatives you plan to do over the next year(s) to accomplish your goals.  “Set up a medical exam and meet quarterly with my doctor,” might go under a health goal. “Have quarterly community dinners that I host for my friends,” could go under social and relationships. “Go to church and attend a men’s retreat,” “Go to the gym before 9am at least 3-4 days a week.” You get the point.

You will be amazed what you write down and what you accomplish even in a year.  If you’ve got big dreams, build a 3-5 year OPS.  This is for your use.  You can share with others and ask them to help, but it is really about you!  It is the help you be the person you want to be and hold you accountable to the promises you make to YOURSELF.


  • Find some quiet, thoughtful time to review the previous year.  What was good?  What was challenging?  Where do you need to change?  Begin to put some ideas of goals on a draft paper.

  • While you’re filling this out ask yourself these important questions:  What is important to me?  What does success look like to me?

  • I tend to hang those draft goals and initiatives above my desk at home for about a month.  As ideas come up, I write them down.  If I rethink a strategy or initiative, I might edit it. 

  • In the past, I’ve stuck to my buckets of faith/mindfulness, health, finances, career/work, relationships/connections, and fun/social.  However, this year I want to change it up a bit.  Recently engaged, I know one of my buckets should be dedicated to wedding/marriage.  We’ll also want to do some work on the house, so that might be a full bucket.  Remember, these buckets are strategies to achieve your mission.  Don’t create an ongoing line of buckets.  Some things will have to come off from year to year and that’s okay.  You’re changing; life changes.  You can always bring back buckets the next year!

  • Keep it handy, like your work portfolio or tacked above your desk either at work or home.  You don’t have to look at it every week, but its good to quarterly go back and be re-energized.

You’re not supposed to accomplish everything.  Be proud of what you did accomplish.  What did you learn?  What was hard?  What was important?  What can you adjust for next year’s OPS?

Good luck and I hope the OPS brings you success, empowerment, and accomplishment!

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